Thursday, July 14, 2011


Here we are on the edge of leaving for our loop around half of the US. What a crazy time, getting ready for deputation. We couldn't have done it without the help of our friends. What an original line, huh?! but true.

A week and a half ago we thought we were not going to leave until mid August or later. Suddenly God said, "Hows about now?!" And we took off. It has been amazing the things that God has brought together to make this happen. here are just a few of them.
-We received a large gift from a supporter a few days before we found out we were going to leave. With that we were able to do the almost 1000 worth of work to our car that it needed and get a laptop which we desperately needed.
-The second opinion from Oncology was virtually the same as the first so we knew that Joe would not be undergoing Chemo.
-Joes appointments rearranged themselves at the VA allowing us to leave right away.
-All of our medical appointments for all three of us happened in the past week allowing us to get all of our meds together before leaving the state for a month.
-A dear friend Elizabeth volunteered to house sit the whole time we are gone and keep the kitty company
-We were able to set up over 20 visits with different people in a very short time.
-We were scheduled to do chapel at work this last day at work so we were able to practice our presentation in front of our fellow workers and get feedback from them. This was scheduled over a month and a half ago.
-Jobs cleared today for Molly so she was able to help Brenna get our brochures cut and folded.(I did all of our literature THIS WEEK
-Brennas therapy which was scheduled to go on for another month. They suddenly said she was ready to graduate this past Thursday.

And it goes on. God is very very good. This is Teri's verse for this week: 2 Cor. 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." I got that Sunday when I was feeling "I CAN NOT DO THIS." God's timing is always perfect.

We had a scare tonight. I came home from work to find Joe very week sitting in the kitchen having bad chest pains. He took two nitro and made it to the bedroom to try and relax it off in his easy chair. Over then next 45 minutes he took 2 more nitro. I was getting ready to call an ambulence when I suddenly thought to check his blood sugar. Yup, it was nearly 300. That would do it. Took some insulin and feels much better. Praise the Lord!!!!!

See ya all soon and be sure and keep praying for us.


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