Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Year of Service

Something I should have done a long time ago, start sharing on this blog the work that I do for the Lord through Missionary TECH Team. If you don't know, I am a graphic designer. I do literature, displays and web stuff for Christian missions and missionaries all over the world. I thought that my supporters would like to see what I do. I usually put a few in each prayer letter. have been meaning to post the this as I go but this year has been very overwhelming emotionally with Joe's 5 heart attacks and cancer issues. You can read more about that on the blog through the link above "Teri's Thoughts. Anyway, here we go.

I am only going to post stuff that is my desing work. A lot of work that I do is web updates on various websites and a lot of print production work, some of which is other peoples designs.

I originally did a prayer card for the DeLuca Family,
Church planters in Greece 
And then I did a ShowStyle panels and header design
off of the prayer card design preferences. 
The Hedges are bible translators in Chad Africa. 
This is a Table Top X-Pole display I did for them

I also did three newsletters for the Hedges this year.
We came up with a tempate they like
and just make slight variations on each
newsletter to save them design hours. 

This was a lot of fun. We had printed two other banners similar. He wanted a 4th one to coordinate. Another designer did the orrigionals. I reprinted the one on the left and designed the one on the right to go with them, introducing their new solar bible. Mr. Yates is a church planter with the Myan people in South America. He was crazy full of energy. We went through his pictures on his computer to see what would work. He told me all kinds of crazy stories including the one where he showed up to visit this old man and the man served him rat soup, which he of course ate. He showed me pictures of the rat.. it was whole... yum. He wanted to show me video's of him eating grub worms but I declined.

Every year we do a vynil banner for an Red River Honors Camp. They are always very unique. This year he got permission to use the Army for One logo designed for another mission and I designed this banner and a coordinating T-shirt design around it.
Most people come to us with very definate ideas of what they want their displays to look like, usually very conservative and centered. I was happy to push this one for a very conservative bible collage just a bit and give it a little more movement. The client and I were both very happy with the final design. This is a header for a ShowStyle display.

I did alot of work for ReachAcross this year. They are a ministry to Muslim cultures in a lot of different countries. Here are 4 of the 7 banners I did for them this year. They are based on past designs developed by Amy, who used to be a designer here at TECH. I have just modified them a bit.

Huttons, church planters in Ireland. Cool font I found, huh?!

Opps, I ran out of time. Will add more to this later.

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