I sure wish I could bring all this rain we have been through the last three days home with me. Lots of HEAVY rain and thunder and lightening and even a soft almost twister today which shook the car and scared me a bit. We should be home tomorrow no problem. That will be good because Joe really needs to get onto a routine
These first two are coming into the mountains at this point we were already saying... wow, pretty.
I believe this is Navaho country, or Arapaho. Its Indian any how
Joe of course stayed up above but he at least was able to get out of the car and look at the magnificence.
I had a couple of videos also of this area but when I tried to put them in the blog they really made it load extreemly slow. I will post them to facebook later.
This is how a great deal of the drive looked through Utah along 70
Isn't this wild? No, that is not snow, it is bare rock... Pretty cool. God is so creative. Our souls have been so filled with the beauty He spreads around us.
Today we saw dear and antelope and prairie dogs but never got the cameras out fast enough.
So here it is 11:20 pm and we have a long drive ahead of us tomorrow so I will finish later.
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