Joe is doing better today, made it all the way till this evening before he had any chest pains and is keeping his sugars in better line. Thank you for all your prayers on his behalf. I am convinced that that is why he did so well on this trip. We hope that with a few days rest he will be much better.
So as we continued through Utah and Colorado on I 70 things continued very beautiful. This is a more full picture of the view from our hotel ... was it Thursday evening. Isn't that the crazyist rock formation? I love the gold frosting on top. It looks pretty small from this angle but it was very imposing. Click on the picture to get a bigger view of it.
Okay, all we could say was WOW also.
Down into mountain valleys and back up, down and up... all at 65-75 mph with a few slow downs for 55 mph corners... and all in rather heavy traffic with lots of semis. I loved the scenery but man it was scary driving.
Isn't this a beautiful sky?
We drove over the second summit, the continental divide at 11,600 feet, where Hobbs, our car, was choking and trying to over heat, through a mountian (creepy) and wiggled down into Denver and headed South. We traveled through lots of big nasty heavy rains and lightening all the way through Denver and to the boarder of New Mexico.
The next day was Friday. We took a little side trip up to Eagles Nest and almost to Angel Fire, 50 miles out of our way. This is on the way up to it.
This is the entrance. The memorial is in the background down a hill overlooking a valley in the mountains As you go down the hill the bricks on the side have the names of the fallen. There aren't that many so I assume they are of this areas.
This is the right side of the memorial. The point at the right side is the front of it, the back part is an amphitheater.
This is the front, standing below it and looking up.
And this is looking into the amphitheater from the left side with the front on the left of the picture.
This is standing at the back of the amphitheater and looking down with the front point in the center there. Isn't that just a cool feel of eternity and living forever and inclusive of many... I think it is a beautiful piece of art... art being something that can express the soul.
This is Joe and Brenna with the memorial in the background.
There is a nice helicopter from the Vietnam war off to the right of the memorial, commemorating the great impact the helicopter had on this war.
This was really special and well worth the side trip
The drive up there was really pretty also, all along 25 mph switch back roads through beautiful little bubbling rivers and such. We saw dear and antelope. There were warning signs on the road to watch out for bear also but we never saw any.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers. I know that is what kept us safe on this trip and kept Joe doing so well. Lots of healing happened in Brennas heart along the way as she processed stuff with us through the long days of driving. We had lots of good opportunities to present the work that we are doing for Christ to many people. Some new and some who support us but were unclear as to exactly what we do.
We look forward to what else God has in store for us.