Whew, we have been seeing a lot of people. Today we did two presentations in two different churches, one being New Hope Community Church, where our presentation was the sermon, the other the Christian Biker Tabernacle Church. We have been seeing a lot of individual supporters over the past few days as well as some family.

This is Git Fong, who is one of my spiritual mentors. She is originally from Hong Kong and doesn't speak reallly good English but what she has to say is very wise. She has a pure, simple faith and often brings me right back down to earth to the basics. My sister Alea and I got so spend a little time with here.
Brenna and I also had a very good time giggling with supporter Cheryl Anderson while Joe visited with John Anderson. John wasn't feeling well and didn't want his picture taken.
Cheryl has a very cool ministry making quilts for war veterans through Quilts of Valor. Many people do them for recently wounded vets but Sheryl targets the older "forgotten" vets in the managed care facilities. If you ever visit our home you will see a quilt she presented to Joe right before we left for TECH.

Cindy Peak and I had a lovely lovely lunch date. Cindy and her husband are also supporters of ours. She lives up here in the Tacoma area but she has been doing consulting work and was in Alabama and then recently in Florida so I did not expect to get to see her. What a surprise when we walked into church last Wed and there she was! Cindy has recently published her first Children's book "The Little Star That Shines for Jesus" and has formed her own company to sell other books she will write and products she will develop. She asked me a while ago to illustrate her Little Lamb series but I have been so discombobulation that I have not been able to pull myself together for it. I hope to though.

We have also had some lovely family time. Brenna got to go inner tubing, as being pulled behind a boat on the Hood Canal with her Uncle Cleave. He also has been working with her on her guitar. Did I say he is a music minister?!

This is all of our grandchildren except for two. It was so fun for them to be all together and for us to spend time with them. You see here our oldest grandson Joshua and his little brother Issaac. Justin and our Indian Princess Elizabeth.
Joes daughters Heather and Angela threw us a wonderful bar-b-que up at Heathers freinds home Saturday evening, located just two blocks from Lake Tapps. This is our oldest grandson Joshua in the back on the Left. We were there at his birth and had him a lot when he was a small child we haven't seen him very much at all for the past few years so it was wonderful to spend time with him. He has the sweetest heart. Justin, our tough little cookie grandson who lives in Alaska so we don't see him much either. Joe's daughters Heather and Angela are on the right.

Today we had lunch between the two church services with my sister Alea's kids and their familys and my parents. The family kind of expanded. This is actually just her two boys and their families. It was really cool because they all just happened to be in the area when we could carve out sometime to see them. There are tons of our family that we will not be able to see this trip so this was a real blessing.
We are all doing well and seeing lots of people. It is tiring but good. Joe has been struggling with his blood sugar and is blood pressure the past two days. It has been a bit weird. Please keep him in your prayers.
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