Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Joe's Hosptital BooBoo

I am so sorry that I am so behind the times. I got really overwhelmed there for a while.

As most of you know, Joe ended up back in the hospital in February. He got the flu really bad and became severely dehydrated. This caused his blood pressure to drop really low. We had called his doctor and told her that his pressure was very low and his pulse was running at about 38-40 beats per minute. She said, oh, that is normal for the flu.................. Go figure. The next night he began dry heaving and went out completely, as in his heart stopped and his eyes rolled up in his head. I could not get him out of his chair because of the angle it was at so I hit his chest really hard and shook and yelled at him and he came back. This happened three times before the ambulance came. Was very scary. Brenna and I spent the night with him in the Trauma unit at Good Shepard. They said the first chamber of his heart had quite beating. They got him stabilized finally and the next afternoon he was transferred to Shreveport VA where they brought his kidneys back into functioning and got him stabilized the rest of the way. The amazing thing is that he didn't suffer a heart attack through all of this.

Strangely enough this incident has finally settled Joe's fear of dying. Me on the other hand it put into a tail spin. Of course I am the one who suffers when he gets to go home to be with Jesus. All of this culminated in me hearing a message where the lady shared about how that when a sheep falls down it cannot get up, it is called a "cast" sheep. That is what it means when it says in the scriptures to "Cast your cares upon Me...." I have been practicing that lately and what a difference. I am almost human again. I had a physical collapse this last Sunday and slept the whole day practically and now I feel myself again.

This crazy weather has been so warm we have been eating dinner outside and I have been doing my morning bible study on our screen porch, in my shirt sleeves. We came home from church tonight and had to turn the air conditioner on because the house was up to 77 degrees. Crazy stuff. It has been like a gift from God to be outside during this time of sitting beside His still waters.

