Sunday, November 13, 2011

Radiation Saturation

Dear Friends and Family:

Happy Joe
YAAAYYYYYY!!!!! Joe is all done with radiation! He tolerated it very well. He got very tired the last week and a half and was anxious for it to finish. He is still very tired and sleeps a lot of hours but is slowly recovering. They want to wait about a month before we do any tests and let his body calm down. In Dec (we don't have the date yet) he will go see the Urologist at the VA in Shreveport and they will take a look at the tumors through a scope to see how they are looking.

Tomorrow is our 19th anniversary. Last year I thought we had celebrated our last one together. Thank you God for giving us another year together, and hopefully a few more!

Here you see the beautiful necklace and 
earrings that Brenna made for me. 
We celebrated my birthday in October very quietly. We worked around the house all day getting things done I wanted done for a bunch of company we were having the next weekend. That evening we went to the international banquet at Hope Fellowship as part of our missions conference. It was really cool as we have a outreach to African Nationals here in Longview. We had a whole bunch of countries represented, 8 or 9 I think.

Recently I have made some new friends, Sharon, who is a musician and reviews books. We have lovely rambling conversations. And Joy who is also a musician and studying to be a teacher. Sharon has a 16 year old son who is one of Brennas best friends. Joy has a 16 year old daughter who is also a new friend of Brenna's. We are all going to a game night at Sharons next weekend.  It is funny all the musical people I am getting to know. Our life's seem to be surrounded by music any more.

This last weekend we had 1st Friday Coffee house on Friday. I ran it this time, under Molly's supervision, the December one I am in charge of by myself... well other people at Northwood will be helping, but Molly and Matt are gone for a month so I am heading it up. Saturday we went to a small concert at a private home for the Alaska String Band. They are a family of musicians and are extremely good. We got their two latest CDs and Joe has been listening to them almost non stop every since. Guess I need to get the rest of their music for him for Christmas.

Brenna also is still my darling babysitter of Eviline. What do you think? Brenna has gotten very involved with doing a Christmas program and preparing to go on a short missions trip to New Orleans over New Years. In the spring she is working on doing a short missions trip over spring break to an orphanage just across the border into mexico through Last Days Ministries, which is the one founded by Keith and Melody Green.

I am still staying very very busy at work. With Molly gone I am even more busy.

Thank you for all your love and prayers
